all postcodes in DT4 / WEYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT4 8BN 30 3 50.607736 -2.452761
DT4 8BP 30 1 50.608996 -2.452974
DT4 8BS 1 1 50.608402 -2.460105
DT4 8BT 13 2 50.607843 -2.453373
DT4 8BW 39 2 50.608458 -2.452714
DT4 8BY 7 0 50.607995 -2.453314
DT4 8BZ 43 19 50.608768 -2.453336
DT4 8DA 5 1 50.609334 -2.453511
DT4 8DB 5 2 50.610137 -2.453338
DT4 8DD 51 1 50.60842 -2.453237
DT4 8DE 10 5 50.61144 -2.453549
DT4 8DF 1 1 50.611215 -2.453504
DT4 8DG 7 3 50.610522 -2.45324
DT4 8DH 12 8 50.609561 -2.45299
DT4 8DJ 3 3 50.609015 -2.452649
DT4 8DL 1 1 50.608462 -2.451654
DT4 8DN 21 4 50.608288 -2.452317
DT4 8DQ 5 3 50.610064 -2.453108
DT4 8DR 24 3 50.607935 -2.452324
DT4 8DS 1 1 50.609198 -2.456096