all postcodes in DT4 / WEYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT4 9DE 24 0 50.589373 -2.471334
DT4 9DH 16 1 50.607588 -2.485464
DT4 9DJ 18 2 50.605774 -2.48488
DT4 9DL 20 1 50.607674 -2.486454
DT4 9DN 98 78 50.606932 -2.48964
DT4 9DP 55 0 50.587546 -2.470874
DT4 9DQ 37 1 50.609051 -2.486115
DT4 9DR 10 0 50.587474 -2.471512
DT4 9DT 1 1 50.603639 -2.492277
DT4 9DU 6 2 50.608439 -2.488554
DT4 9DW 4 3 50.606534 -2.488181
DT4 9DX 14 0 50.605358 -2.485342
DT4 9DY 35 0 50.608821 -2.487071
DT4 9DZ 20 0 50.604011 -2.484463
DT4 9EA 10 0 50.60325 -2.485925
DT4 9EB 19 0 50.604106 -2.485397
DT4 9ED 9 0 50.604721 -2.485011
DT4 9EE 28 0 50.604066 -2.486513
DT4 9EF 8 0 50.605159 -2.487386
DT4 9EG 9 0 50.605318 -2.486402