all postcodes in DT5 / PORTLAND

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT5 2NJ 13 7 50.529442 -2.45314
DT5 2NL 7 6 50.529628 -2.453819
DT5 2NP 2 1 50.527976 -2.450756
DT5 2NQ 7 6 50.530615 -2.452702
DT5 2NR 5 5 50.530121 -2.451961
DT5 2NS 1 1 50.529874 -2.451214
DT5 2NT 19 0 50.529287 -2.451375
DT5 2XQ 1 1 50.550518 -2.44459
DT5 2XX 1 1 50.550518 -2.44459
DT5 2ZN 1 1 50.550518 -2.44459
DT5 2BW 0 50.529143 -2.446619
DT5 2AG 6 0 50.539775 -2.451351
DT5 2AQ 21 0 50.539809 -2.451859
DT5 2AH 6 0 50.540071 -2.451509
DT5 2NB 1 0 50.529176 -2.452079
DT5 2BT 0 50.542311 -2.444163
DT5 2LT 30 0 50.542937 -2.435092
DT5 2FA 4 0 50.544338 -2.436293
DT5 2FB 0 50.536986 -2.442321
DT5 2FD 0 50.536634 -2.441976