all postcodes in DT7 / LYME REGIS

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT7 3HH 1 50.732366 -2.932564
DT7 3HJ 0 50.733936 -2.935636
DT7 3HL 0 50.729562 -2.941571
DT7 3HP 0 50.733741 -2.933053
DT7 3HQ 1 50.734972 -2.930853
DT7 3HR 12 50.725592 -2.937374
DT7 3HS 3 50.726434 -2.939199
DT7 3HT 1 50.727464 -2.940806
DT7 3HU 0 50.727679 -2.940909
DT7 3HW 0 50.735431 -2.931618
DT7 3HX 2 50.725583 -2.940703
DT7 3HY 0 50.724594 -2.937646
DT7 3HZ 2 50.72457 -2.938019
DT7 3JA 0 50.725138 -2.938966
DT7 3JB 1 50.724961 -2.936369
DT7 3JD 0 50.724042 -2.938816
DT7 3JE 2 50.724074 -2.934821
DT7 3JF 8 50.721288 -2.939115
DT7 3JH 2 50.722775 -2.937964
DT7 3JJ 3 50.720437 -2.939022