all postcodes in DT9 / SHERBORNE

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT9 5AW 0 50.966783 -2.462684
DT9 5AX 3 0 50.963271 -2.471591
DT9 5AY 1 0 50.964986 -2.466839
DT9 5AZ 1 0 50.966928 -2.469151
DT9 5BA 10 0 50.967004 -2.468183
DT9 5BB 21 8 50.96789 -2.470043
DT9 5BD 6 0 50.967396 -2.469184
DT9 5BE 8 0 50.969176 -2.471481
DT9 5BG 16 0 50.970519 -2.47289
DT9 5BH 39 0 50.968235 -2.472966
DT9 5BJ 29 0 50.967787 -2.47487
DT9 5BL 33 0 50.96964 -2.470104
DT9 5BN 40 0 50.970252 -2.46776
DT9 5BP 45 0 50.968978 -2.469428
DT9 5BQ 1 0 50.973957 -2.476557
DT9 5BS 32 0 50.969669 -2.467413
DT9 5BT 11 0 50.96972 -2.465818
DT9 5BU 11 0 50.968806 -2.467261
DT9 5BW 10 0 50.969813 -2.468111
DT9 5BX 63 0 50.96836 -2.468638