all postcodes in DT9 / SHERBORNE

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT9 5NA 7 1 50.91619 -2.440019
DT9 5NB 12 0 50.916143 -2.438652
DT9 5ND 40 2 50.916849 -2.434577
DT9 5FP 1 0 50.91669 -2.428956
DT9 5NE 10 0 50.91472 -2.431641
DT9 5NF 3 0 50.915777 -2.427725
DT9 5NG 7 0 50.912208 -2.427564
DT9 5NH 48 0 50.914069 -2.437339
DT9 5NJ 2 1 50.911997 -2.438812
DT9 5NL 5 0 50.916474 -2.433891
DT9 5NN 24 0 50.91786 -2.433619
DT9 5NP 1 1 50.935868 -2.522291
DT9 5NQ 3 1 50.915016 -2.436537
DT9 5NR 12 4 50.945432 -2.504847
DT9 5NS 7 1 50.939955 -2.511093
DT9 5NT 1 0 50.929322 -2.510009
DT9 5NU 5 0 50.920213 -2.505869
DT9 5NW 15 0 50.915584 -2.438491
DT9 5NX 2 0 50.916366 -2.501602
DT9 5NY 13 0 50.917128 -2.502151