all postcodes in DT / Dorchester

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District

DT / Dorchester

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT1 1EF 8 7 50.714496 -2.434982
DT1 1EG 10 0 50.716768 -2.436037
DT1 1EJ 22 0 50.712849 -2.433112
DT1 1EL 18 0 50.713823 -2.432299
DT1 1EN 48 0 50.712656 -2.429227
DT1 1EQ 33 0 50.713467 -2.433826
DT1 1ER 17 0 50.712499 -2.430259
DT1 1ES 6 0 50.711719 -2.42966
DT1 1ET 8 1 50.713309 -2.432691
DT1 1EU 14 0 50.714733 -2.434262
DT1 1EW 57 7 50.714752 -2.433965
DT1 1EX 2 2 50.709637 -2.426098
DT1 1EY 24 0 50.711904 -2.428514
DT1 1EZ 11 4 50.715383 -2.435911
DT1 1FD 25 0 50.711071 -2.427529
DT1 1FP 1 1 50.71528 -2.444281
DT1 1FQ 1 1 50.71528 -2.444281
DT1 1FS 1 0 50.71528 -2.444281
DT1 1GA 1 1 50.709175 -2.439054
DT1 1HA 1 1 50.715762 -2.435431