all postcodes in DY10 / KIDDERMINSTER

find any address or company within the DY10 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY10 4DP 3 0 52.359851 -2.197927
DY10 4DF 1 0 52.360587 -2.198811
DY10 4DQ 23 0 52.371678 -2.229765
DY10 4DR 2 0 52.358416 -2.198841
DY10 4DS 6 0 52.358494 -2.197686
DY10 4DT 1 0 52.356946 -2.198751
DY10 4DU 1 0 52.34861 -2.194251
DY10 4DW 1 0 52.360174 -2.197973
DY10 4DX 12 7 52.34767 -2.194858
DY10 4DY 2 1 52.349112 -2.189893
DY10 4DZ 41 8 52.370395 -2.233181
DY10 4EA 1 0 52.341643 -2.194426
DY10 4EB 2 0 52.341008 -2.195196
DY10 4ED 6 0 52.34526 -2.203161
DY10 4EE 10 0 52.373811 -2.228528
DY10 4EF 4 0 52.374038 -2.227677
DY10 4EG 13 0 52.373319 -2.227438
DY10 4EH 1 0 52.34609 -2.206365
DY10 4EJ 3 0 52.34713 -2.208234
DY10 4EL 8 0 52.347606 -2.213375