all postcodes in DY11 / KIDDERMINSTER

find any address or company within the DY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY11 7EG 0 52.367914 -2.270795
DY11 7EH 0 52.367239 -2.271261
DY11 7EJ 2 52.367379 -2.27301
DY11 7EL 0 52.366468 -2.274326
DY11 7EN 0 52.365167 -2.27304
DY11 7EP 0 52.365562 -2.27341
DY11 7EQ 0 52.367269 -2.269998
DY11 7ER 0 52.365448 -2.276038
DY11 7ES 0 52.365405 -2.275244
DY11 7ET 0 52.364327 -2.274518
DY11 7EU 0 52.363246 -2.275701
DY11 7EW 0 52.366234 -2.272587
DY11 7EY 0 52.363356 -2.274718
DY11 7EZ 0 52.363994 -2.275001
DY11 7HA 0 52.363251 -2.277214
DY11 7HB 0 52.3636 -2.277891
DY11 7HD 0 52.366497 -2.276984
DY11 7HE 0 52.367515 -2.276183
DY11 7HF 0 52.367128 -2.276269
DY11 7HG 0 52.368174 -2.275276