all postcodes in DY13 / STOURPORT-ON-SEVERN

find any address or company within the DY13 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY13 8TN 0 52.345502 -2.2898
DY13 8TP 0 52.344817 -2.290148
DY13 8TQ 0 52.344357 -2.290894
DY13 8TR 0 52.343516 -2.289215
DY13 8TS 0 52.344568 -2.289133
DY13 8TT 0 52.344575 -2.293493
DY13 8TU 0 52.345392 -2.294247
DY13 8TW 0 52.344909 -2.289591
DY13 8TX 0 52.34629 -2.294327
DY13 8TY 0 52.346313 -2.292521
DY13 8TZ 0 52.346693 -2.295005
DY13 8UA 1 52.345875 -2.29519
DY13 8UB 2 52.344869 -2.294699
DY13 8UD 0 52.344439 -2.293933
DY13 8UE 0 52.345565 -2.293162
DY13 8UF 0 52.344972 -2.293173
DY13 8UG 0 52.340512 -2.282531
DY13 8UP 1 52.339441 -2.281141
DY13 8UL 2 52.339669 -2.281631
DY13 8UN 6 52.339426 -2.281776