all postcodes in DY14 / KIDDERMINSTER

find any address or company within the DY14 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY14 8RB 2 52.376484 -2.485139
DY14 8RD 3 52.37409 -2.485656
DY14 8RE 0 52.369031 -2.492624
DY14 8RF 0 52.377435 -2.484329
DY14 8RG 0 52.375817 -2.486588
DY14 8RH 0 52.416963 -2.501228
DY14 8RT 0 52.423204 -2.514109
DY14 8RJ 0 52.420772 -2.500612
DY14 8RL 0 52.421567 -2.50387
DY14 8RN 0 52.376028 -2.483447
DY14 8RP 0 52.423902 -2.505674
DY14 8RR 1 52.427246 -2.496111
DY14 8RS 0 52.425286 -2.513016
DY14 8RU 0 52.420463 -2.50771
DY14 8SY 3 52.391257 -2.471179
DY14 8TA 0 52.431079 -2.517523
DY14 8TB 0 52.423429 -2.528523
DY14 8TD 0 52.43539 -2.534783
DY14 8TE 0 52.435495 -2.533314
DY14 8TF 0 52.440017 -2.534209