all postcodes in DY1 / DUDLEY

find any address or company within the DY1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY1 2UR 16 0 52.512632 -2.11839
DY1 2UT 9 0 52.512543 -2.117256
DY1 2UU 8 0 52.51713 -2.115234
DY1 2UW 7 0 52.513362 -2.116713
DY1 2UX 15 0 52.517113 -2.114733
DY1 2UY 28 0 52.517528 -2.113379
DY1 2UZ 41 0 52.516871 -2.113377
DY1 2RN 24 0 52.519196 -2.117701
DY1 2RW 0 52.516958 -2.107173
DY1 2GP 44 0 52.507244 -2.112497
DY1 2GR 44 0 52.507244 -2.112497
DY1 2GS 44 0 52.507244 -2.112497
DY1 2LQ 23 0 52.505814 -2.112538
DY1 2BP 2 0 52.506213 -2.109224
DY1 3AD 27 10 52.511043 -2.089144
DY1 3AE 6 0 52.510931 -2.090288
DY1 3AH 34 6 52.511344 -2.090834
DY1 3AJ 59 0 52.512164 -2.092226
DY1 3AL 2 1 52.511694 -2.091777
DY1 3AN 11 3 52.511765 -2.092942