all postcodes in DY1 / DUDLEY

find any address or company within the DY1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY1 3EL 27 0 52.516839 -2.091573
DY1 3EN 11 0 52.516419 -2.088934
DY1 3EP 27 0 52.5171 -2.09119
DY1 3EQ 20 0 52.51529 -2.091343
DY1 3ER 20 0 52.517457 -2.09117
DY1 3EW 7 0 52.516721 -2.089194
DY1 3EX 2 0 52.517698 -2.092851
DY1 3EY 47 0 52.518922 -2.095718
DY1 3EZ 31 0 52.519359 -2.095949
DY1 3HA 30 0 52.518984 -2.093325
DY1 3HB 5 0 52.519687 -2.093878
DY1 3HD 9 0 52.519273 -2.094393
DY1 3HE 9 0 52.519144 -2.095286
DY1 3HF 16 0 52.519775 -2.096147
DY1 3HG 17 0 52.519926 -2.095641
DY1 3HH 13 0 52.52032 -2.097366
DY1 3HP 2 0 52.514461 -2.094008
DY1 3HQ 10 0 52.52042 -2.096217
DY1 3HS 2 0 52.516563 -2.0964
DY1 3HZ 7 0 52.514155 -2.094125