all postcodes in DY1 / DUDLEY

find any address or company within the DY1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY1 1NA 1 1 52.512136 -2.082059
DY1 1NB 2 1 52.512421 -2.081833
DY1 1ND 25 3 52.511251 -2.083407
DY1 1NE 3 3 52.511443 -2.083222
DY1 1NG 1 1 52.511299 -2.082986
DY1 1NH 1 1 52.510993 -2.083103
DY1 1NJ 11 5 52.511181 -2.083855
DY1 1NP 1 1 52.510462 -2.084045
DY1 1NS 14 10 52.510381 -2.083853
DY1 1NT 6 5 52.510552 -2.083485
DY1 1PB 3 3 52.510076 -2.083528
DY1 1PD 3 3 52.510355 -2.083131
DY1 1PF 6 4 52.510657 -2.083318
DY1 1PG 11 6 52.51066 -2.083146
DY1 1PJ 10 9 52.510293 -2.081672
DY1 1PN 8 8 52.509842 -2.082998
DY1 1PQ 7 7 52.510823 -2.082366
DY1 1PR 1 1 52.509329 -2.084205
DY1 1PS 6 4 52.509479 -2.084008
DY1 1PY 36 13 52.509014 -2.085265