all postcodes in DY2 / DUDLEY

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Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
DY2 9AD1052.498204-2.090694
DY2 9AE2252.500009-2.089116
DY2 9AJ10252.498464-2.087905
DY2 9AL15052.497951-2.087875
DY2 9AY22052.498518-2.087169
DY2 9AZ26052.497907-2.086858
DY2 9BB26152.496613-2.0869
DY2 9BE25052.497027-2.086164
DY2 9BG10352.496444-2.087391
DY2 9BH26252.495507-2.086382
DY2 9BL1052.49497-2.086696
DY2 9BP29352.493704-2.084955
DY2 9BU22052.493415-2.083197
DY2 9BW7152.494168-2.0861
DY2 9BX1152.493705-2.084028
DY2 9BY36052.494394-2.084554
DY2 9BZ17052.494672-2.085512
DY2 9DA29052.495337-2.085262
DY2 9DB1152.511498-2.088889
DY2 9DD49052.494978-2.084658