all postcodes in DY3 / DUDLEY

find any address or company within the DY3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY3 4BG 0 52.538339 -2.146473
DY3 4BH 0 52.537637 -2.146824
DY3 4BJ 0 52.537663 -2.147591
DY3 4BL 0 52.537752 -2.148741
DY3 4BN 0 52.537544 -2.148991
DY3 4BP 0 52.537168 -2.147987
DY3 4BQ 0 52.537412 -2.147384
DY3 4BS 0 52.537025 -2.147043
DY3 4LF 1 1 52.517718 -2.173923
DY3 4NF 10 0 52.514513 -2.202935