all postcodes in DY4 / TIPTON

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Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY4 7JQ 32 2 52.525552 -2.031802
DY4 7JR 9 1 52.525337 -2.029282
DY4 7JT 2 1 52.52762 -2.029858
DY4 7JW 64 0 52.526173 -2.031316
DY4 7JY 7 5 52.527585 -2.029136
DY4 7LA 43 0 52.526472 -2.030408
DY4 7LB 8 0 52.530369 -2.044341
DY4 7LD 21 0 52.527134 -2.031464
DY4 7LE 8 0 52.52735 -2.030846
DY4 7LH 8 7 52.528009 -2.030115
DY4 7LJ 9 0 52.53091 -2.041615
DY4 7LL 15 0 52.530568 -2.042145
DY4 7LN 40 0 52.53028 -2.042764
DY4 7LP 18 0 52.530028 -2.044577
DY4 7LQ 1 1 52.528711 -2.030322
DY4 7LR 54 0 52.52993 -2.042248
DY4 7LS 6 0 52.530801 -2.043575
DY4 7LT 6 0 52.528985 -2.044871
DY4 7LW 20 0 52.529282 -2.044252
DY4 7LX 16 0 52.528266 -2.044015