all postcodes in DY6 / KINGSWINFORD

find any address or company within the DY6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY6 7HL 31 0 52.506506 -2.159921
DY6 7HN 5 0 52.505835 -2.163867
DY6 7HP 1 1 52.507543 -2.159621
DY6 7HQ 8 0 52.505895 -2.161575
DY6 7HR 10 0 52.50645 -2.161438
DY6 7HS 2 2 52.505437 -2.165634
DY6 7HT 24 0 52.5057 -2.166171
DY6 7HU 10 6 52.504147 -2.168693
DY6 7HX 2 0 52.504297 -2.171036
DY6 7HY 34 0 52.506349 -2.171521
DY6 7HZ 4 0 52.505707 -2.171837
DY6 7JA 6 0 52.504486 -2.170344
DY6 7JB 29 1 52.506239 -2.170734
DY6 7JH 9 9 52.508794 -2.16292
DY6 7JJ 1 1 52.509492 -2.161293
DY6 7JR 6 4 52.507784 -2.160948
DY6 7JS 39 34 52.511957 -2.150938
DY6 7JU 9 8 52.508288 -2.160552
DY6 7JW 1 1 52.512222 -2.149663
DY6 7JY 1 1 52.508594 -2.160642