all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 4DF 1 0 51.524507 -0.042648
E1 4DG 1 1 51.525048 -0.042206
E1 4DH 61 0 51.523793 -0.042995
E1 4DL 40 0 51.525754 -0.045203
E1 4DN 1 1 51.522792 -0.038512
E1 4DQ 1 1 51.523819 -0.042374
E1 4DS 52 1 51.523044 -0.047121
E1 4DT 2 1 51.522131 -0.046759
E1 4DU 13 3 51.522412 -0.046442
E1 4DX 12 0 51.522633 -0.04675
E1 4DY 49 0 51.523812 -0.048373
E1 4EE 43 1 51.52349 -0.046929
E1 4EA 37 0 51.52492 -0.048555
E1 4EB 45 0 51.524725 -0.047641
E1 4ED 30 0 51.524725 -0.047641
E1 4EF 8 0 51.524382 -0.044887
E1 4EG 57 0 51.523166 -0.0453
E1 4EH 31 0 51.52368 -0.045941
E1 4EJ 7 0 51.524636 -0.046087
E1 4EL 33 0 51.524893 -0.045875