all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 5BJ 58 0 51.521499 -0.063505
E1 5BL 18 3 51.522114 -0.06371
E1 5BN 36 0 51.519635 -0.06282
E1 5BQ 18 0 51.521026 -0.063727
E1 5BS 19 2 51.521478 -0.064414
E1 5BT 8 0 51.519656 -0.06194
E1 5BU 32 0 51.522553 -0.065277
E1 5BW 23 9 51.522136 -0.063983
E1 5BX 28 2 51.522004 -0.062518
E1 5BZ 12 0 51.519414 -0.062527
E1 5DA 16 0 51.520199 -0.062119
E1 5DB 6 0 51.52335 -0.061264
E1 5DD 26 0 51.522504 -0.062871
E1 5DE 26 0 51.521565 -0.062075
E1 5DF 48 0 51.522044 -0.061666
E1 5DG 14 1 51.519923 -0.058469
E1 5DH 24 0 51.522803 -0.061345
E1 5DJ 1 1 51.520741 -0.060078
E1 5DL 20 0 51.521672 -0.059822
E1 5DN 45 0 51.522477 -0.060667