all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 7HS 159 1 51.517758 -0.077169
E1 7HT 1 1 51.517807 -0.077974
E1 7HW 17 5 51.518202 -0.077816
E1 7HY 17 11 51.518162 -0.078795
E1 7JF 17 6 51.517946 -0.078805
E1 7JH 1 1 51.518041 -0.078527
E1 7JJ 18 0 51.517975 -0.078875
E1 7LA 12 10 51.517109 -0.075438
E1 7LB 19 1 51.516819 -0.075741
E1 7LE 16 1 51.516899 -0.076228
E1 7LF 24 0 51.517314 -0.076986
E1 7LG 18 0 51.517041 -0.076781
E1 7LH 6 0 51.517318 -0.075559
E1 7LJ 25 9 51.518086 -0.077415
E1 7LL 38 1 51.517134 -0.075898
E1 7LP 28 20 51.518578 -0.078247
E1 7LQ 32 1 51.517373 -0.076191
E1 7LS 63 15 51.518343 -0.078312
E1 7LU 1 1 51.518125 -0.076548
E1 7NA 11 3 51.518313 -0.07755