all postcodes in E12 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E12 5FB 20 2 51.552214 0.062788
E12 6AA 29 0 51.549348 0.046692
E12 6AB 51 0 51.54906 0.046722
E12 6AD 5 0 51.547971 0.05139
E12 6AE 33 1 51.548036 0.053325
E12 6AF 58 10 51.548323 0.055473
E12 6AG 6 0 51.547578 0.053333
E12 6AJ 44 0 51.548932 0.0525
E12 6AL 45 0 51.54897 0.052906
E12 6AN 42 0 51.550558 0.051592
E12 6AP 38 0 51.55046 0.051026
E12 6AQ 27 5 51.547785 0.053833
E12 6AR 19 1 51.550676 0.050487
E12 6AS 42 0 51.548807 0.051946
E12 6AT 41 0 51.548571 0.051631
E12 6AU 37 0 51.548609 0.050942
E12 6AW 39 0 51.550703 0.052017
E12 6AX 24 0 51.548697 0.050499
E12 6AY 24 1 51.550714 0.049883
E12 6AZ 9 0 51.548488 0.050144