all postcodes in E14 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E14 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E14 0BB 28 6 51.508606 -0.010935
E14 0BE 22 6 51.508931 -0.009997
E14 0BG 56 0 51.508634 -0.01161
E14 0BD 30 0 51.51353 -0.001755
E14 0BH 26 0 51.509071 -0.014041
E14 0BL 2 2 51.507795 -0.015134
E14 0BP 42 1 51.51088 -0.015706
E14 0BS 7 0 51.510502 -0.017713
E14 0BT 45 0 51.509709 -0.018235
E14 0BU 30 0 51.509709 -0.018235
E14 0BX 40 0 51.509158 -0.01813
E14 0BY 24 0 51.508299 -0.018902
E14 0DA 28 1 51.509309 -0.01906
E14 0DB 35 0 51.509779 -0.018693
E14 0DD 19 0 51.509779 -0.018693
E14 0DE 2 2 51.509941 -0.019683
E14 0DF 19 0 51.510448 -0.019414
E14 0DG 55 0 51.510632 -0.020199
E14 0DH 33 0 51.510212 -0.020361
E14 0DJ 5 5 51.509309 -0.01906