all postcodes in E14 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E14 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E14 6EY 9 0 51.511628 -0.022173
E14 6EZ 12 1 51.511898 -0.021053
E14 6GQ 12 0 51.519111 -0.014167
E14 6GR 27 0 51.519107 -0.014584
E14 6HA 8 0 51.511663 -0.021609
E14 6HB 9 0 51.511329 -0.02099
E14 6HD 9 0 51.511387 -0.021765
E14 6HE 12 0 51.511313 -0.022172
E14 6HF 17 0 51.511381 -0.022991
E14 6HG 12 0 51.511662 -0.022604
E14 6HH 15 0 51.511554 -0.024194
E14 6HJ 30 0 51.51216 -0.022827
E14 6HL 12 0 51.512107 -0.023435
E14 6HN 67 0 51.512505 -0.024081
E14 6HP 63 1 51.51302 -0.023136
E14 6HQ 36 0 51.511677 -0.023497
E14 6HR 40 1 51.512683 -0.022934
E14 6HS 60 0 51.513617 -0.023903
E14 6HT 50 0 51.51353 -0.023013
E14 6HU 46 0 51.513 -0.024131