all postcodes in E14 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E14 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E14 8DN 57 0 51.510305 -0.038717
E14 8DP 32 3 51.510073 -0.039923
E14 8DQ 30 0 51.509967 -0.041109
E14 8DR 1 1 51.509959 -0.030964
E14 8DS 1 1 51.511301 -0.041268
E14 8DT 6 0 51.511174 -0.026228
E14 8DW 100 0 51.510318 -0.039509
E14 8DX 43 4 51.510318 -0.039509
E14 8DY 37 0 51.51024 -0.038057
E14 8DZ 15 0 51.510536 -0.040206
E14 8EA 25 0 51.510305 -0.038717
E14 8EB 17 0 51.510375 -0.040256
E14 8ED 15 0 51.511049 -0.025729
E14 8EG 73 1 51.510467 -0.037672
E14 8EH 17 0 51.509705 -0.035644
E14 8EJ 66 0 51.509743 -0.035225
E14 8EL 33 0 51.510275 -0.021958
E14 8EN 35 0 51.509771 -0.036376
E14 8EP 45 0 51.509877 -0.023935
E14 8EQ 29 0 51.510044 -0.037128