all postcodes in E14 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E14 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E14 1SX 1 0 51.513162 -0.028291
E14 1SW 1 1 51.513162 -0.028291
E14 1SY 1 1 51.513162 -0.028291
E14 1SZ 1 0 51.513162 -0.028291
E14 2AX 3 3 51.51111 -0.003721
E14 2BA 3 3 51.509743 -0.004804
E14 2BB 3 3 51.509515 -0.005749
E14 2BD 1 1 51.510314 -0.006219
E14 2BE 4 4 51.510185 -0.0049
E14 2BG 1 1 51.509999 -0.006175
E14 2DA 95 0 51.508209 -0.001382
E14 2DB 34 0 51.508209 -0.001382
E14 2DD 11 0 51.507737 -0.000639
E14 2DE 32 0 51.50826 0.000335
E14 2DF 9 0 51.508642 0.001692
E14 2DG 76 0 51.509168 0.000893
E14 2DH 11 0 51.508137 0.001237
E14 2DJ 13 0 51.509412 0.001336
E14 2DL 44 0 51.508684 0.0008
E14 2DN 50 0 51.508536 1.0E-6