all postcodes in E14 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E14 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E14 3NA 14 0 51.495799 -0.01358
E14 3NB 27 0 51.496051 -0.01308
E14 3ND 20 1 51.495709 -0.011971
E14 3NE 68 5 51.495321 -0.011887
E14 3NG 1 1 51.498448 -0.010684
E14 3NH 65 0 51.498053 -0.012778
E14 3NJ 26 0 51.498551 -0.012539
E14 3NL 8 0 51.493725 -0.006856
E14 3NN 15 0 51.494379 -0.008859
E14 3NT 11 0 51.499964 -0.009437
E14 3NU 22 2 51.500468 -0.009415
E14 3NX 17 1 51.498243 -0.009742
E14 3PA 12 0 51.498603 -0.009756
E14 3PB 8 0 51.497912 -0.009858
E14 3PD 8 0 51.497767 -0.010311
E14 3PE 8 0 51.497898 -0.010622
E14 3PF 8 0 51.498063 -0.010269
E14 3PG 7 4 51.498482 -0.010049
E14 3PQ 34 5 51.498209 -0.010925
E14 3QB 24 0 51.488301 -0.021108