all postcodes in E14 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E14 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E14 0JF 2 2 51.515275 0.002386
E14 0JJ 1 1 51.51279 0.002047
E14 0JP 11 7 51.5159 0.001087
E14 0JU 23 0 51.509474 0.005619
E14 0JY 12 10 51.508173 0.00814
E14 0JW 5 4 51.508442 0.008743
E14 0LA 1 1 51.517698 -0.00679
E14 0LE 6 4 51.517902 -0.007546
E14 0LJ 12 0 51.516931 -0.00825
E14 0LL 4 3 51.516873 -0.006842
E14 0LN 24 0 51.515659 -0.006389
E14 0LQ 54 0 51.51645 -0.007998
E14 0LR 13 1 51.513705 8.3E-5
E14 0NA 3 1 51.514015 -0.001229
E14 0NB 9 0 51.514498 -0.004206
E14 0NE 28 0 51.515427 -0.006529
E14 0NF 26 0 51.515579 -0.008064
E14 0NG 50 0 51.516205 -0.008383
E14 0NP 64 0 51.512248 -0.006754
E14 0NU 47 15 51.5134 -0.005767