all postcodes in E15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E15 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E15 3LQ 26 0 51.533844 0.009834
E15 3LS 55 0 51.534661 0.004102
E15 3LT 1 1 51.534784 0.005881
E15 3LU 10 0 51.53441 0.005677
E15 3LX 6 6 51.53343 0.00461
E15 3LZ 19 0 51.532847 0.005131
E15 3NB 12 0 51.532548 0.004124
E15 3ND 2 2 51.528958 0.002755
E15 3NF 13 1 51.532962 0.004633
E15 3NH 14 0 51.534285 0.00508
E15 3NJ 17 0 51.535033 0.003426
E15 3NL 22 0 51.534652 0.003063
E15 3NN 27 0 51.535133 0.004916
E15 3NP 24 0 51.535829 0.00522
E15 3NR 5 0 51.536308 0.003525
E15 3NS 60 1 51.536353 0.002994
E15 3NT 6 0 51.53693 0.001837
E15 3NU 12 0 51.536391 0.002461
E15 3NW 23 12 51.531331 0.00322
E15 3NY 3 3 51.529737 0.001781