all postcodes in E15 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E15 1RG 75 0 51.549308 0.012664
E15 1RH 4 0 51.551373 0.011803
E15 1RJ 9 0 51.549075 0.013664
E15 1RL 52 0 51.548748 0.014341
E15 1RN 68 0 51.549948 0.013616
E15 1RP 18 0 51.548217 0.013337
E15 1RQ 13 0 51.550318 0.012492
E15 1RR 17 0 51.549983 0.01154
E15 1RS 34 0 51.548713 0.011152
E15 1RT 32 0 51.548944 0.010816
E15 1RW 52 0 51.547676 0.012909
E15 1RZ 16 0 51.548687 0.01532
E15 1SA 3 2 51.546111 0.005543
E15 1SE 25 8 51.547033 0.006447
E15 1SH 65 1 51.550128 0.006253
E15 1SJ 30 0 51.550406 0.007881
E15 1SL 56 2 51.550687 0.009321
E15 1SN 24 0 51.550678 0.010864
E15 1SP 25 1 51.550746 0.012813
E15 1SQ 27 6 51.54902 0.005438