all postcodes in E16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E16 2NF 1 51.501392 0.067092
E16 2NG 0 51.501167 0.068652
E16 2NH 0 51.500287 0.069592
E16 2JU 2 51.503005 0.071068
E16 2NJ 4 51.50111 0.069298
E16 2RG 3 51.501831 0.072818
E16 2NL 0 51.500274 0.065815
E16 2NN 0 51.501843 0.059893
E16 2NQ 1 51.502124 0.046965
E16 2NU 0 51.501329 0.069121
E16 2NW 0 51.499551 0.069515
E16 2NX 0 51.500496 0.069947
E16 2PB 1 51.504147 0.046409
E16 2PD 1 51.504147 0.046409
E16 2PJ 1 51.504147 0.046409
E16 2PX 17 51.504147 0.046409
E16 2QD 1 51.508487 0.045076
E16 2QJ 2 51.50695 0.075267
E16 2QQ 1 51.504147 0.046409
E16 2QT 3 51.507706 0.041366