all postcodes in E16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E16 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E16 3HU 0 51.512603 0.037478
E16 3HX 1 51.511704 0.033316
E16 3HY 0 51.510924 0.040429
E16 3HZ 0 51.510858 0.040052
E16 3JA 0 51.51111 0.039573
E16 3JB 0 51.511593 0.039681
E16 3JH 4 51.513581 0.031396
E16 3JJ 6 51.514605 0.031483
E16 3JL 3 51.515197 0.032016
E16 3JN 0 51.51573 0.032443
E16 3JP 8 51.513409 0.031979
E16 3JR 0 51.513987 0.032855
E16 3JS 0 51.5151 0.036624
E16 3JT 0 51.514464 0.032805
E16 3JU 0 51.514987 0.032727
E16 3JX 0 51.515265 0.032797
E16 3JY 0 51.516369 0.032889
E16 3JZ 0 51.516328 0.034733
E16 3LA 0 51.516815 0.034668
E16 3LB 4 51.517036 0.036479