all postcodes in E16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E16 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E16 4AA 0 51.517857 0.017591
E16 4AB 0 51.517667 0.019225
E16 4AD 0 51.517995 0.019456
E16 4AE 0 51.517654 0.02045
E16 4AF 0 51.517929 0.021745
E16 4AG 1 51.517726 0.022053
E16 4AH 0 51.518334 0.02172
E16 4AJ 0 51.518298 0.019642
E16 4AL 0 51.51852 0.019811
E16 4AN 0 51.518558 0.021758
E16 4AP 0 51.51875 0.020037
E16 4AQ 0 51.518108 0.021796
E16 4AR 0 51.518907 0.019756
E16 4AS 0 51.518433 0.018567
E16 4AT 0 51.519009 0.020625
E16 4AU 0 51.519038 0.022111
E16 4AW 0 51.518792 0.02174
E16 4AX 0 51.519252 0.022193
E16 4AY 1 51.519239 0.020866
E16 4AZ 0 51.520029 0.02093