all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 1BA 6 1 51.518986 -0.058898
E1 1BB 1 1 51.519019 -0.058106
E1 1BJ 35 27 51.519319 -0.057327
E1 1BU 4 2 51.520017 -0.057658
E1 1BW 48 0 51.520017 -0.057658
E1 1BY 54 20 51.519554 -0.059467
E1 1DB 51 23 51.519173 -0.060966
E1 1DE 19 8 51.518862 -0.062291
E1 1DG 9 0 51.519073 -0.061347
E1 1DN 17 7 51.518515 -0.063646
E1 1DT 45 15 51.517756 -0.066129
E1 1DU 69 48 51.51702 -0.068266
E1 1DW 43 0 51.518371 -0.064142
E1 1EE 3 3 51.515852 -0.067333
E1 1EG 16 11 51.515495 -0.06755
E1 1EH 1 0 51.515982 -0.066941
E1 1EJ 45 34 51.516058 -0.065569
E1 1EP 66 4 51.51603 -0.066692
E1 1EQ 66 4 51.515701 -0.065826
E1 1ER 66 0 51.515598 -0.066652