all postcodes in E1W / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1W 3EF 58 0 51.510002 -0.049149
E1W 3EG 2 2 51.510462 -0.050184
E1W 3EH 24 0 51.510768 -0.049217
E1W 3EJ 4 0 51.510289 -0.048013
E1W 3EL 54 0 51.510856 -0.048032
E1W 3EN 2 1 51.511701 -0.043098
E1W 3EP 1 1 51.511848 -0.042268
E1W 3ER 17 0 51.511714 -0.04549
E1W 3ES 60 0 51.5099 -0.046242
E1W 3ET 60 0 51.5099 -0.046242
E1W 3EU 49 0 51.5099 -0.046242
E1W 3EW 30 0 51.511992 -0.043371
E1W 3GA 1 1 51.519018 -0.058133
E1W 3GP 1 0 51.519018 -0.058133
E1W 3HB 3 2 51.511334 -0.043185
E1W 3HD 8 0 51.510759 -0.047056
E1W 3HG 8 0 51.510948 -0.04712
E1W 3HJ 1 1 51.51092 -0.042697
E1W 3HN 1 1 51.510746 -0.043598
E1W 3HP 1 1 51.510446 -0.046118