all postcodes in E1W / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1W postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1W 2NG 7 0 51.505894 -0.063331
E1W 2NH 46 0 51.504013 -0.056192
E1W 2NJ 22 0 51.503831 -0.056632
E1W 2NL 9 0 51.50377 -0.056735
E1W 2NN 20 0 51.503256 -0.061541
E1W 2NP 44 0 51.502879 -0.060925
E1W 2NR 1 1 51.503038 -0.057026
E1W 2NS 1 0 51.503764 -0.057456
E1W 2NT 40 0 51.504088 -0.05792
E1W 2NU 41 0 51.504343 -0.058209
E1W 2NW 16 0 51.50326 -0.061224
E1W 2NX 23 2 51.504497 -0.056647
E1W 2PA 2 2 51.504224 -0.061229
E1W 2PB 51 0 51.504142 -0.057469
E1W 2PD 20 0 51.503541 -0.058114
E1W 2PE 1 0 51.503599 -0.059437
E1W 2PF 23 0 51.503708 -0.05949
E1W 2PH 1 0 51.504005 -0.060503
E1W 2PJ 24 0 51.503361 -0.061868
E1W 2PL 7 0 51.503691 -0.062257