all postcodes in E2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E2 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E2 6BL 8 0 51.527613 -0.068392
E2 6BN 8 0 51.527644 -0.068045
E2 6BP 16 0 51.526412 -0.068645
E2 6BQ 8 0 51.527047 -0.06784
E2 6BS 8 0 51.526227 -0.068278
E2 6BT 16 0 51.526092 -0.068817
E2 6BU 8 0 51.526319 -0.069528
E2 6BW 8 0 51.52648 -0.068354
E2 6BX 16 0 51.526313 -0.069139
E2 6BY 24 0 51.526729 -0.068776
E2 6BZ 8 0 51.526464 -0.069594
E2 6DA 8 0 51.526472 -0.068974
E2 6DB 6 0 51.527451 -0.066741
E2 6DG 64 14 51.524954 -0.071174
E2 6DL 8 0 51.52546 -0.069781
E2 6DN 54 0 51.525199 -0.068668
E2 6DP 9 0 51.523853 -0.068854
E2 6DR 75 1 51.52528 -0.069212
E2 6DT 63 2 51.525099 -0.068095
E2 6DU 12 0 51.523981 -0.070593