all postcodes in E2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E2 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E2 7GR 4 0 51.524566 -0.072846
E2 7HA 15 0 51.525098 -0.075087
E2 7HB 43 0 51.524965 -0.074674
E2 7HE 44 0 51.52495 -0.075439
E2 7HG 45 0 51.524875 -0.075788
E2 7HH 20 0 51.524853 -0.076092
E2 7HJ 40 0 51.524822 -0.076382
E2 7HP 14 1 51.524958 -0.074271
E2 7HR 54 7 51.524714 -0.074757
E2 7HX 20 0 51.524733 -0.073605
E2 7JA 39 0 51.525463 -0.073226
E2 7JB 19 0 51.524597 -0.075267
E2 7JD 13 2 51.526076 -0.077165
E2 7JE 51 3 51.525876 -0.076496
E2 7JG 6 0 51.526028 -0.076979
E2 7JH 35 0 51.525682 -0.076201
E2 7JJ 20 0 51.526208 -0.077015
E2 7JL 22 0 51.526251 -0.075689
E2 7JN 4 2 51.526455 -0.076041
E2 7JP 39 13 51.526079 -0.076257