all postcodes in E2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E2 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E2 9BF 20 0 51.532097 -0.059436
E2 9ED 56 11 51.532517 -0.058656
E2 9EE 1 1 51.532513 -0.05851
E2 9EG 9 5 51.532052 -0.058934
E2 9EH 14 2 51.531636 -0.059761
E2 9EL 13 0 51.531619 -0.05826
E2 9EN 11 0 51.531562 -0.058637
E2 9EP 11 0 51.531491 -0.059275
E2 9EQ 13 11 51.532277 -0.058263
E2 9ER 11 0 51.53171 -0.05941
E2 9ES 11 0 51.531812 -0.059102
E2 9ET 10 0 51.531771 -0.058787
E2 9EU 9 0 51.531855 -0.05949
E2 9EW 13 0 51.531522 -0.058956
E2 9HA 9 7 51.534009 -0.056963
E2 9HB 58 0 51.532651 -0.055433
E2 9HD 10 5 51.531786 -0.057503
E2 9HE 51 5 51.533853 -0.055281
E2 9HF 1 1 51.533092 -0.054362
E2 9HG 12 0 51.533071 -0.054738