all postcodes in E2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E2 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E2 9JR 60 0 51.532871 -0.050291
E2 9JS 37 1 51.532226 -0.051978
E2 9JU 42 0 51.531332 -0.049102
E2 9JW 17 0 51.533286 -0.048716
E2 9JY 1 1 51.53271 -0.051437
E2 9JZ 20 0 51.532645 -0.052377
E2 9LE 22 10 51.527932 -0.056096
E2 9LH 8 6 51.528641 -0.055923
E2 9LJ 56 1 51.529752 -0.055759
E2 9LR 3 1 51.530025 -0.054377
E2 9LS 1 1 51.531373 -0.056483
E2 9LT 14 0 51.531181 -0.053535
E2 9LU 41 1 51.531414 -0.052992
E2 9LX 44 0 51.531754 -0.052314
E2 9LY 68 3 51.531268 -0.051787
E2 9NA 6 0 51.53079 -0.05224
E2 9NB 47 0 51.530761 -0.052659
E2 9ND 40 0 51.532166 -0.053221
E2 9NE 10 0 51.532431 -0.05302
E2 9NG 12 0 51.532439 -0.055154