all postcodes in E2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E2 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E2 0EH 18 0 51.527043 -0.057273
E2 0EJ 58 3 51.526539 -0.056689
E2 0EL 24 14 51.526759 -0.055744
E2 0EQ 25 0 51.526808 -0.057182
E2 0ET 1 1 51.527207 -0.055218
E2 0EU 9 2 51.524571 -0.054105
E2 0EY 49 0 51.526829 -0.051976
E2 0EZ 60 0 51.526808 -0.052294
E2 0FB 1 1 51.532724 -0.060419
E2 0FL 1 1 51.532724 -0.060419
E2 0FN 1 0 51.532724 -0.060419
E2 0FR 1 0 51.532724 -0.060419
E2 0HA 15 0 51.527079 -0.052413
E2 0HB 16 0 51.527189 -0.051961
E2 0HE 16 0 51.526452 -0.052555
E2 0HF 40 0 51.527088 -0.052946
E2 0HG 1 1 51.526849 -0.058607
E2 0HJ 30 0 51.526934 -0.053933
E2 0HN 8 0 51.526382 -0.053178
E2 0HP 40 0 51.527006 -0.053439