all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 2DP 56 0 51.528739 -0.030096
E3 2DQ 74 0 51.528989 -0.033747
E3 2DR 38 0 51.528837 -0.02842
E3 2DS 27 0 51.530587 -0.027133
E3 2DT 1 1 51.529935 -0.024205
E3 2DU 32 0 51.530811 -0.024946
E3 2DW 75 3 51.528739 -0.029548
E3 2HW 24 0 51.530912 -0.026182
E3 2DZ 11 2 51.530242 -0.024165
E3 2EB 34 0 51.529145 -0.030727
E3 2EE 33 1 51.52955 -0.024309
E3 2EH 69 0 51.529563 -0.030969
E3 2EJ 5 0 51.529515 -0.030236
E3 2EL 22 0 51.529948 -0.029813
E3 2EN 12 0 51.530206 -0.030148
E3 2EP 28 0 51.53079 -0.027989
E3 2ER 59 0 51.535016 -0.028513
E3 2ES 9 0 51.530432 -0.028106
E3 2ET 39 0 51.531036 -0.027142
E3 2EU 16 0 51.531671 -0.026913