all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 2QP 10 1 51.532348 -0.023351
E3 2QQ 16 0 51.535687 -0.027749
E3 2QR 1 0 51.531855 -0.023445
E3 2QS 10 0 51.529687 -0.02178
E3 2QT 13 0 51.528558 -0.019897
E3 2QU 26 0 51.532202 -0.023732
E3 2QX 8 0 51.535783 -0.027038
E3 2QY 14 0 51.534909 -0.026427
E3 2QZ 20 0 51.535119 -0.026591
E3 2RL 42 0 51.533516 -0.025277
E3 2RN 38 14 51.533949 -0.027608
E3 2RR 1 1 51.533909 -0.027898
E3 2RS 72 0 51.532924 -0.025923
E3 2RT 42 0 51.535003 -0.027735
E3 2RU 3 2 51.533947 -0.026425
E3 2RW 45 14 51.533747 -0.027386
E3 2RY 41 0 51.534766 -0.026995
E3 2RZ 6 0 51.534431 -0.026332
E3 2SA 12 2 51.528768 -0.022194
E3 2SE 17 17 51.528558 -0.019897