all postcodes in E4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E4 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E4 6BJ 20 0 51.628267 0.018264
E4 6BL 12 0 51.63254 0.013861
E4 6BN 1 1 51.632443 0.007484
E4 6BQ 18 0 51.630087 0.017423
E4 6BS 8 0 51.633395 0.012281
E4 6BT 23 0 51.632034 0.012452
E4 6BU 23 0 51.632232 0.012981
E4 6BX 9 0 51.633078 0.012902
E4 6BY 21 0 51.630584 0.014165
E4 6BZ 48 0 51.630506 0.011864
E4 6DA 33 0 51.63195 0.01161
E4 6DB 21 0 51.631426 0.011182
E4 6DD 29 0 51.630443 0.00978
E4 6DE 29 1 51.629618 0.012301
E4 6DF 30 0 51.629386 0.011121
E4 6DG 35 0 51.629414 0.009504
E4 6DH 14 0 51.627522 0.010764
E4 6DJ 6 0 51.631314 0.010411
E4 6DL 10 0 51.633088 0.012325
E4 6DN 6 0 51.627305 0.015537