all postcodes in E4 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E4 7BA 31 51.632671 0.006772
E4 7BB 1 51.632926 0.007621
E4 7BE 33 51.631947 0.004919
E4 7BH 1 51.631452 0.003366
E4 7BJ 28 51.631162 0.00361
E4 7BN 0 51.630319 0.003894
E4 7BP 1 51.629886 0.00399
E4 7BQ 1 51.63182 0.00448
E4 7BS 0 51.629743 0.002872
E4 7BT 0 51.630701 0.005226
E4 7BU 41 51.631931 0.005942
E4 7BW 0 51.630229 0.004509
E4 7DA 10 51.631211 0.004422
E4 7DB 1 51.630884 0.006086
E4 7DD 0 51.631359 0.005659
E4 7DG 2 51.6315 0.006949
E4 7DH 1 51.631697 0.007466
E4 7DJ 2 51.631994 0.008083
E4 7DL 0 51.631979 0.00736
E4 7DP 2 51.63288 0.003992