all postcodes in E5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E5 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E5 0LN 0 51.552135 -0.04269
E5 0LP 108 18 51.552497 -0.044057
E5 0LQ 10 0 51.551461 -0.048285
E5 0LR 14 0 51.551799 -0.042125
E5 0LS 129 16 51.554229 -0.044821
E5 0LT 80 3 51.556378 -0.045997
E5 0LU 84 0 51.55137 -0.047625
E5 0LW 34 0 51.552436 -0.04256
E5 0LY 139 0 51.552738 -0.049775
E5 0LZ 86 0 51.552441 -0.049873
E5 0NA 34 0 51.553277 -0.045524
E5 0NB 100 0 51.553392 -0.043141
E5 0ND 38 0 51.553127 -0.042977
E5 0NE 91 0 51.552474 -0.046957
E5 0NF 98 0 51.552204 -0.046969
E5 0NG 43 0 51.552767 -0.04285
E5 0NH 71 2 51.553961 -0.043304
E5 0NJ 49 0 51.553832 -0.045904
E5 0NL 74 0 51.553307 -0.048294
E5 0NP 112 16 51.552119 -0.0526