all postcodes in E5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E5 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E5 9BJ 45 0 51.572679 -0.062644
E5 9BL 11 4 51.573233 -0.059186
E5 9BN 83 0 51.57298 -0.062371
E5 9BS 13 0 51.562371 -0.058667
E5 9BT 16 0 51.562456 -0.059457
E5 9BU 88 15 51.563648 -0.059233
E5 9BX 8 0 51.563648 -0.059233
E5 9BY 37 0 51.565259 -0.060954
E5 9BZ 38 0 51.565259 -0.060954
E5 9DA 2 0 51.565686 -0.060647
E5 9DB 11 0 51.567161 -0.06119
E5 9DD 1 1 51.563602 -0.058052
E5 9DH 15 2 51.567016 -0.060057
E5 9DN 40 0 51.564016 -0.056476
E5 9DP 24 0 51.563934 -0.057911
E5 9DQ 61 0 51.568867 -0.060512
E5 9DR 24 0 51.563438 -0.057268
E5 9DS 24 0 51.566581 -0.060814
E5 9DU 34 0 51.567392 -0.058309
E5 9DW 57 1 51.563768 -0.056169