all postcodes in E5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E5 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E5 9JF 54 0 51.566251 -0.056756
E5 9JG 58 1 51.566671 -0.054444
E5 9JN 45 0 51.560884 -0.054114
E5 9JP 41 5 51.561245 -0.056941
E5 9JS 57 0 51.561458 -0.054594
E5 9JT 59 1 51.56167 -0.054775
E5 9JU 51 0 51.562655 -0.057342
E5 9JW 50 0 51.561113 -0.054364
E5 9JY 67 6 51.563107 -0.057946
E5 9JZ 30 4 51.564267 -0.05912
E5 9LA 14 0 51.565041 -0.059693
E5 9LB 40 0 51.565572 -0.059757
E5 9LD 8 0 51.567226 -0.05644
E5 9LE 52 0 51.566761 -0.058235
E5 9LF 34 0 51.567106 -0.058408
E5 9NG 1 1 51.55998 -0.057531
E5 9LH 27 0 51.564254 -0.057695
E5 9LJ 113 0 51.564529 -0.056399
E5 9LL 51 1 51.565875 -0.055791
E5 9LN 30 0 51.565026 -0.054877