all postcodes in E6 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E6 1JR 37 0 51.536491 0.0476
E6 1JS 39 0 51.536726 0.050076
E6 1JT 24 0 51.536209 0.049851
E6 1JW 35 0 51.536763 0.047454
E6 1JY 14 0 51.537225 0.049349
E6 1JZ 45 0 51.536859 0.04916
E6 1LA 27 15 51.532949 0.052689
E6 1LB 54 16 51.532397 0.049375
E6 1LD 21 2 51.531944 0.046891
E6 1LE 38 0 51.53251 0.04484
E6 1LF 30 0 51.532545 0.044409
E6 1LG 46 1 51.533527 0.045418
E6 1LH 37 0 51.53409 0.044998
E6 1LJ 33 0 51.532683 0.045266
E6 1LL 36 0 51.532667 0.045669
E6 1LN 49 0 51.534799 0.04924
E6 1LP 63 0 51.535274 0.0488
E6 1LQ 34 0 51.53362 0.044616
E6 1LR 60 0 51.535492 0.048666
E6 1LS 42 0 51.535658 0.047938