all postcodes in E6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E6 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E6 1PD 37 1 51.532911 0.047122
E6 1PE 39 0 51.532769 0.04651
E6 1PF 30 0 51.532839 0.046124
E6 1PG 32 0 51.534153 0.04552
E6 1PN 8 0 51.531509 0.043974
E6 1PP 11 2 51.530795 0.037973
E6 1PT 46 1 51.533161 0.038958
E6 1PU 51 0 51.533161 0.038958
E6 1PW 35 8 51.530649 0.039134
E6 1PX 60 1 51.532769 0.040829
E6 1PY 30 7 51.530846 0.040239
E6 1QA 32 0 51.532276 0.040721
E6 1QB 32 0 51.531923 0.040892
E6 1QD 32 0 51.53156 0.041064
E6 1QE 16 1 51.531949 0.041456
E6 1QF 49 2 51.532829 0.041538
E6 1QG 46 0 51.53273 0.042039
E6 1QH 13 1 51.533422 0.042589
E6 1QJ 32 0 51.532163 0.04266
E6 1QL 40 0 51.532134 0.043209